Today, primary storage is typically random access memory, atype of semiconductor
memory. Over the history of computing hardware, a variety of technologies have been used for
primary storage. Some early computers used mercury delay lines, in which a series of acoustic
pulses were sent along a tube filled with mercury. When the pulse reached the end of the tube, the
circuitry detected whether the pulse represented a binary 1 or 0 and caused the oscillator at the
beginning of the line to repeat the pulse. Other early computers stored primary memory on rapidly
rotating magnetic drums.
Modern primary storage devices include:
• Random access memory (RAM) - includes VRAM, WRAM, NVRAM
• Read-only memory (ROM)
memory. Over the history of computing hardware, a variety of technologies have been used for
primary storage. Some early computers used mercury delay lines, in which a series of acoustic
pulses were sent along a tube filled with mercury. When the pulse reached the end of the tube, the
circuitry detected whether the pulse represented a binary 1 or 0 and caused the oscillator at the
beginning of the line to repeat the pulse. Other early computers stored primary memory on rapidly
rotating magnetic drums.
Modern primary storage devices include:
• Random access memory (RAM) - includes VRAM, WRAM, NVRAM
• Read-only memory (ROM)
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